tetris 3Tetris running in the browser tetris.dhedegaard.dk/tetrisreacttypescriptreduxLanguage(s): TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS
neversink-filter-downloader 3A simple rust application, for downloading the latest version of Neversink's lootfilter for Path of Exileneversink-filter-downloaderrustpathofexilelootfilterLanguage(s): Rust, Dockerfile
youtube-serverless 3A serverless implementation of my youtube project ut.dhedegaard.dk/nextjsserverlessreactmongodbtypescriptLanguage(s): TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS
ye-olde-link-detector 3A Discord bot for detecting duplicate linksdiscorddiscord-botLanguage(s): C#, Dockerfile
s3-index-listing 1For listing objects in S3 like index listings from apache or nginx p.dhedegaard.dk/s3nextjsLanguage(s): TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS
urls A project for making static links based on a model in a database, it also features proxying requests and private links. This repo also exists on bitbucket and is probably more up to date there. u.dhedegaard.dk/djangoredirectsLanguage(s): Python, CSS, HTML, Dockerfile
webchat 7A simple long-polling based solution to chat in a browser, implemented in django using React for the frontend.djangoyarnpollingwebchatpythonreactdockertypescriptLanguage(s): Python, JavaScript, HTML, TypeScript, Dockerfile, SCSS
todo 5A simple todo application for understanding the basic components of ASP.NET core, MVC and EntityFramework Core.entity-frameworkaspmvcdotnet-coredockertodoLanguage(s): C#, Dockerfile, HTML
pollen-js 2A pollen API pollen.dhedegaard.dktypescriptpollennodejsdockerreactssrLanguage(s): TypeScript, JavaScript, Dockerfile, CSS
musse-buster 2A simple re-implementation of a certain busting game with bubbles. buster.dhedegaard.dk/gamereacttypescriptLanguage(s): TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS
sudokuweb 1A webinterface for solving sudokus. sudoku.dhedegaard.dk/Language(s): HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Dockerfile
discord-lag-fixer 1Fixes lag in discord using a message.typescriptdiscordbotdiscord-botdockerLanguage(s): TypeScript, Dockerfile, Shell
upptime 📈 Uptime monitor and status page for Dennis Hedegaard, powered by @upptime status.dhedegaard.dk/uptime-monitorstatus-pageupptimeLanguage(s): Markdown, YAML, JSON
overlapping-circles A calculation of circle-circle intersection area overlapping-circles.dhedegaard.dk/typescriptgatsbymathLanguage(s): TypeScript, Dockerfile, JavaScript
mandelbrot-rs Mandelbrot genereal in Rust via WASM, drawn in the browser. mandelbrot.dhedegaard.dkrustwasmmandelbrotLanguage(s): TypeScript, Rust, JavaScript
poetracker Tracking XP, levels and ranks in Path of Exile ladders, using ASP.NET core, SignalR core and React.aspnetcorereactsignalr-coretypescriptdockerLanguage(s): C#, TypeScript, JavaScript, Dockerfile
tictactoe-svelte First attempt at using svelte for something, namely a simple tictactoe game tictactoe-svelte.vercel.appLanguage(s): Svelte, JavaScript, HTML, TypeScript
sudokuweb-rs A reimplementation of the sudokuweb project in rust/wasm and running in the browser insteadLanguage(s): Rust
adventofcode2020 Advent of Code 2020 - Implemented in Rust, compiled to WASM aoc2020.dhedegaard.dk/advent-of-codeadvent-of-code-2020rustwasmLanguage(s): Rust, TypeScript, Dockerfile, Shell
adventofcode2019 Advent of Code 2019 aoc2019.dhedegaard.dk/typescriptgatsbyadvent-of-coderustLanguage(s): Rust, TypeScript, JavaScript, Dockerfile
space-invaders Space invaders, for the browser space-invaders.dhedegaard.dk/gatsbyreactspace-invadersgameLanguage(s): TypeScript, JavaScript
hackjs An implementation of the Hack computer, based on nand2tetrisnand2tetrishacktypescriptLanguage(s): TypeScript, JavaScript
dotfiles Some dotfiles I use, this repo also exists on bitbucket, and is probably more up to date there.dotfilesLanguage(s): JavaScript, Shell, PowerShell, Vim Script
euler Implementations on projecteuler problem in various languages.Language(s): C++, C, Go, Python, Ruby, Rust, Perl, JavaScript, Java, Scala, C#
adventofcode2021 Advent of Code 2021advent-of-codeadvent-of-code-2021rustLanguage(s): Rust, Dockerfile
jonna Created with CodeSandbox codesandbox.io/s/github/dhedegaard/jonnaLanguage(s): HTML, TypeScript, CSS
pollen A simple parser for parsing data about pollen from DMI. pollen.dhedegaard.dk/pollengogolangdockerLanguage(s): Go, HTML, Dockerfile
adventofcode2018 It is time again :)advent-of-codeadvent-of-code-2018rustLanguage(s): Rust, Dockerfile
gravity Let's try applying gravity forces between planets :)Language(s): TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML
adventofcode2017 Advent of Code 2017advent-of-code-2017advent-of-codeaoc2017aocadventrustrust-langLanguage(s): Rust, Shell
mouseclicker A simple application for doing the autoclicking in the game Clicker Heroes.Language(s): C++, Makefile